Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to Guide Flower Girl and Page Boy?

Having children in your bridal party can bring a purity and gaiety to your wedding ceremony, but what age should your flower girls and page boys be? Are toddlers too young to know what to do and are teenagers too old to be included?
The usual age range for flower girls and page boys is four years to eight years old, as they will be old enough to understand what they are required to do, but young enough still to enjoy their role to the full. However, there are really no set rules on the ages of child attendants, and if you want your two year old niece to be a flower girl there is no reason she can’t be as long as you take into account she will need a lot of guidance.
In modern society it is fairly common for couples to get married after they have their own children, and making your sons or daughters a part of your wedding ceremony will probably be a high priority whatever their age.
Tips for including very young flower girls or page boys:
·   If you want to have a baby as a flower girl or page boy they will need to be carried down the aisle, possibly by a bridesmaid or usher. It is probably a good idea to carry children up to the age of two as processing down the aisle can be very daunting before that age even if they are good walkers.
·   Make sure a relative of the page boy or flower girl is sitting near the front of the ceremony in plain view so the child has something to aim for. If the groom is the child’s father there shouldn’t be a problem as they just have to walk to daddy.
·   Don’t expect too much from very young children. Scattering petals or carrying rings will be too much for most children under four; just getting them down the aisle with a smile on their face will be a big enough challenge. Once they reach the front, have them sit on the lap of an assigned relative.
·   If possible have a young flower girl or page boy accompanied by an older attendant. If they have an older sibling you will probably want to include them in the wedding party as well, and they can escort their brother or sister.
·   Be prepared for the fact that there may be tears and tantrums. Young children are unpredictable but that is what makes them so charming and an essential part of your wedding day. If you think a crying child will ruin your wedding, perhaps reconsider whether you should be including children at all.

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